I am From | Teen Ink

I am From

April 27, 2009
By Victoria Kingston BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
Victoria Kingston BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from Baptist Hospital
And Silver Oak Lane
From beautiful dresses and big bows
I am from Mom and Dad, who cherish everything about me
And my big brother Tim, who bullied me around but loved me so much at the same time
From Shorty, my first dog that I didn’t go anywhere without
I am from mustard and mayonnaise sandwiches at Maws Maw’s
And the best macaroni and cheese at Gram and Pop’s
From the smell of red beans on Mondays when I get home from school
I am from early and afternoon fishing trips with my dad
And knotted hair from the long boat rides
From running errands with my Pop, which I miss so much

I am from crazy and fun holiday parties
And all of my many cousins
From wild and loving aunts and uncles who have showed me to simply enjoy and love life
I am from Octoberfest with the Nicaud’s and Antonatos’
And entertaining Fourth of July trips to Destin and now Orange Beach
From Orange Beach Marina and my dads big boat the Bill Collector, which my family and friends once spent so much time in the sun on
I am from Lexi, Lizette, Katie, Ellie, Alexis, Steph, and Margot, all of my best friends that I would not know what to do without
And Kehoe-France, my grammar school where many memories formed with my first true friend Lexi
From River Ridge to now Old Metairie
I am from Little Farms and Colonial Club
And Martha Mayer dance school
From exciting dance recitals in June

I am from the heart of Jazz and culture
And listening to oldies in the car with my dad
From taking long naps with my mom
I am from WHO DAT! and GEAUX TIGERS!
And Lakeview Harbor
From “Throw me something mister!” and the pink house we rent for Mardi Gras every year
I am from Pop’s big smile and him telling everyone that walked into his house to “Close that Door!”
From bubble baths and dress up time with my cousin Alexis
I am from the Lake House, where family, friends, and I have enjoyed so many memories
I am Suzy, who has dated my brother for ten years and is now his wife
And looking up to her in every way possible
From spying on Tim and Suzy every time I could
I am from family, friends, food, music, and a whole lot of love!

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