the new world | Teen Ink

the new world

April 27, 2009
By Savanna Lowe BRONZE, Montclair, New Jersey
Savanna Lowe BRONZE, Montclair, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

open your eyes to a new world below
many reefs to explore, there is so much to know
you will find many things but most of all you will see
only water, for miles and miles

dive into this vast, comforting home deep down
where there are no rules, just love to be found and,
only water, for miles and miles

observe the colorful creatures you’ll find in this sea mall
examine what they all look, the large and the small
but you find most of this in the oceans everywhere,
only water, for miles and miles

this home, this world
is a big blue basin
full of much life and love
but if you reach deep, deep down there is...
only water, for miles and miles

The author's comments:
This poem is supposed to be very relaxing and calming. I put a lot of work into this poem trying to get that message accross. I believe that the ocean and how soothing it can be inspired me to write this piece. I think everyone else will enjoy it the way I do.

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