Planting a Seed of Faith | Teen Ink

Planting a Seed of Faith

April 20, 2009
By Anonymous

A tiny seed of almost nothing, planted in the ground
Soil and sunlight surrounds it all around
It was given a small portion of scriptures and prayer
But also given this sliver of hope-a second helping of love
I believe it will grow to be a beautiful and healthy flower
I'm planting a seed of faith.
Given more scriptures and prayer each day- my faith is gradually increasing
Thinking of how proud I will be makes the work even more enticing
I'm planting a seed of faith
The seed is a stem now. Little leaves sprout everywhere
Hope, patience, and love are as the keys
But no matter how hard I try, it is faith I must cease.
By three inches now, it's growing taller.
But my faith, I'm afraid, is getting smaller.
It has stopped growing. It is wilting.
I WILL plant a seed of faith.
I pray. I study the scriptures. It reaches four more inches with more leaves too.
It grows strong again.
I am planting a seed of faith.
A week goes by with the same routine.
I keep praying. I keep reading scriptures.
I smile with glory as it grows into a bud.
Far too soon, the bud is no longer a bud.
But a radiant, full-bloomed, beautiful rose.
My faith has bloomed.
I have planted a seed of faith.

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