On the High Seas of Music | Teen Ink

On the High Seas of Music

April 21, 2009
By Carrie Stephen BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
Carrie Stephen BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A soft wave of the wand
And the quiet ting of a bell ripples across the stage.
Gracefully, the melody steers its smooth bow
Into the calm, unstirred waters,
Gliding through schools of harmonies
That dance beside the proud ship,
As she embarks on her voyage.
The waves slapping up against her sides
Grow into the roaring of brass,
While the wind of the strings
Pushes the bright white sails out,
Urging the ship forward
Into the glimmering waters ahead.
A seagull soars above the scene,
A tune so pure as to melt the hearts
Of the roughest of seamen,
Pounding in time with their work.
The drums of their feet beat harder and harder
As the wind picks up
And the brass waves yawn,
Awakening to the morning song
On the high seas of music.

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