Dancing Shadows | Teen Ink

Dancing Shadows

April 13, 2009
By Maggie Leigh Zargo BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
Maggie Leigh Zargo BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dancing Shadows

A match flares, a candle is lit.

Dancing shadows

The small fire casts light on a book

Dancing shadows

A girl starts to read; a girl is captivated in a novel

Dancing shadows

Outside thunder booms, lightning flashes

Dancing shadows

Rain pounds on a tin roof

Dancing shadows

Wax on the candle starts to drip

Dancing shadows

The room is filled with it’s fragrance

Dancing shadows

A page is turned

Dancing shadows

A creak from the stairs enters the still room

Dancing shadows

Another creak, a squeak, and a footstep

Dancing shadows

A figure comes forth into the room

Dancing shadows

A hand on the girl’s shoulder

Dancing shadows

The eyes of a young maiden widen

Dancing shadows

A scream starts and is silenced

Dancing shadows

A flickering flame is extinguished

The shadows dance no more

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