Ode to the Sunny Season | Teen Ink

Ode to the Sunny Season

April 23, 2009
By Anonymous

A dazzling gleam during daylight hours
Provides a luxurious, searing heat.
Verdurous landscape gives to the eye,
Green and vivid surroundings.
Scorching streets and burning blacktops,
Nip bare-footers wherever they go.

Ice cream trucks, with irritatingly catchy melodies,
Frisky children, bouncing and bright-eyed,
Conquer every playground.
While elated teens repossess their favorite joints.
Both vexing on each others nerves,
Yet still enjoying the elongated weekend.

But one month....

Two months....

Three months pass...

Our exasperating region begins to chill.
Jackets and jeans become the norm,
Saying adieu to sunglasses and shorts.
Our days abridge, our nights freeze over.
And the weightless ice finally falls.
Delivering merriment to many enthusiastic "snow-goers",
And depression to those "summer-savorers".

The frosty flurry drags on and on,
And no matter how much you may bask in it,
The annual craving for summer initiates eventually,
Whether it is desperation for the lack of school,
Or the lust for the sweltering heat.

Ultimately the bitterness lessens,
And the virescence starts to return.
Bit by bit the days are stretched,
And the sun's curfew is extended.
To set in motion the infinite cycle again.

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