Green Is.... | Teen Ink

Green Is....

April 20, 2009
By Allie Decembrino BRONZE, Horsham, Pennsylvania
Allie Decembrino BRONZE, Horsham, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Green is the sound of grass, lightly swaying in the soft summer breeze;

And green is the sound of lily pads floating in a pond.

Green is the smell of fresh mint, just cut from the garden, and green
Is the smell of sour pickles, swimming in a bucket of their own juice.

Green is the taste of mint-chocolate chip ice cream, chilly and sweet;
And green is the taste of a cucumber; cold against your palette.

Green is the feel of a frog’s bumpy, slimy skin; and green
Is the feel of a slithering snake, long and slippery.

Green is the color of a shirt on St. Patrick’s day, bright and bold;
And green is also the color of a tree, the branches climbing to the sky.

Green is the way of forgiving, lending us air, giving us food;
And green is Earth.

The author's comments:
We had to do this piece for a school project, but actually thought it was ok, so i submitted it.

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