Despair | Teen Ink


December 5, 2018
By eowens BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
eowens BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ever so often, my friend will appear,

Filling all areas in my brain with continuous drear.

I feel an empty void, like nothing is complete,

Which ultimately causes me to feel defeat.

Cheering up isn’t hard to do,

For when I am upset, my friends always have a clue.

When my smile is down, that is their cue.

They’d do anything humanly possible for me, If I hadn’t mentioned that too.

Generously caring, they warm up my smile.

My happiness and glee can be seen from any mile.

Raised with manners and amiability, that is their gracious lifestyle,

And deep down I know they’ll be my loyal companions for a long while.

He will always visit me at certain points in my life,

My friends combat his visits by continuously making me laugh.

They are amazing and truly the best,

Trust, loyalty, compassion, this is where I leave my case to rest.

The author's comments:

I wrote this when I was experiencing a loss.

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