Counting money | Teen Ink

Counting money

April 19, 2009
By writer BRONZE, Woodbridge, Virginia
writer BRONZE, Woodbridge, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Everything has to exactly right
with money.
No mistakes.
No errors.
If you want to buy food,
You got to count your money,
If you want to buy clothes
You got to count your money.
If you want to go movies or
do something fun
You got to count your money.
Even if you wants to buy something nice
You got to count your money.
If you didn’t, you would hears words
like, “Oh that’s not enough or can’t you count
Your money” likes an ignorant child
No matter how hard you work,
How honest you are,
How poor you are,
How desperate you are,
You still got to count your money
This world is so cruel and greedy.
Everything has to
be accurate with money,
but heck with the rest if everything
Else isn’t.

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