Stargazing | Teen Ink


November 29, 2018
By ecampbell20 BRONZE, River Ridge, Louisiana
ecampbell20 BRONZE, River Ridge, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I lay next to my best friends on the ground,

I watch the twinkling stars in the night sky, admiring the shapes.

The Big Dipper is clear to see as I look up at the sky,

Knowing nothing can compare to this view and these friends.

But then the night is done and it’s time to go.

I’ll never forget these views or this night, I know.

We all go back down the hill, pointing out more stars as we go.

No matter where we are, no night will ever compare to this.

The author's comments:

I've always enjoyed looking up at the stars at a camp I go to every summer because there is no light pollution there. The night sky is always filled with stars, and it's the only time I can ever really see so many stars, so my friends and I usually lay down and stargaze while we are there. 

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