Can He, Will He, Is He | Teen Ink

Can He, Will He, Is He

April 17, 2009
By matt schley BRONZE, Canal Fulton, Ohio
matt schley BRONZE, Canal Fulton, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Promises, hopes, dreams,

Speeches said, lies spread,

But one we trust still ahead,

But the dread is still chugging along,

So we hoped and prayed.

And we all asked Can He?

November 4, 2008 what a day,

A day we thought would never come,

When history was made,

And we breathed relief,

For we new we were to be okay.

And after all he had won.

We silently asked Will He?

Now it is April 2009,

The government doesn’t even have a dime,

We still trust his judgment though,

But life is getting worse,

Hope is getting scarce,

But when the leader gets on T.V.,

I see the spark in everyone’s eyes,

And out loud they ask,

Is He?

The author's comments:
this poem is about the hard times after the presidential election and about Barak Obama

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