I Remember | Teen Ink

I Remember

April 16, 2009
By AylaH. SILVER, Burley, Washington
AylaH. SILVER, Burley, Washington
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." J.R.R. Tolkien

I remember when my first tooth fell out to its doom,
When I was five I scooted into school,
Smiling from ear to ear,
So my missing tooth could be seen by the room.
When I was twelve,
I swallowed a tooth and it fell to its burning black tomb.
I remember the first time the Tooth Fairy took my tooth,
I tried to stay awake just to see her in my room.
I remember when my mum forgot to take my tooth,
I awoke to find it staring at me,
Oh what gloom.
I wish I hadn't failed to see the flying fairy that collects my funny fangs.
I remember being thrilled
To awake and find coins in place of my faultless pearly whites.
I remember the day that I played piano and pulled a tooth,
Precisely at the same point in time.
My parents remember my excitement whenever a tooth fell out.
I remember my teeth falling out,
The Tooth Fairy coming,
Funds being left for me,
Fun, fun, fun.

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This article has 1 comment.

Cloud Rider said...
on Jun. 7 2009 at 8:24 pm
You captured a favorite rite of passage.