A Loved Letter | Teen Ink

A Loved Letter

October 21, 2018
By Olivia Tjapkes BRONZE, Twinlake, Michigan
Olivia Tjapkes BRONZE, Twinlake, Michigan
2 articles 3 photos 0 comments

To a girl so beautiful,

she could have replaced the sunset on a summer night.

I saw your beauty through your flaws,

the ones the made you think you were unworthy.

I saw the way your hair fell so perfectly,

to how your eyes would shine when you heard your favorite song.

I saw your infectious smile

and heard your contagious laugh.

I saw the way you tried to hide your pain

and how you always held smile even though you were hurting.

But I no longer see you.

Oh how I wish I could go back and let you know you were not invisible.

But for me to do such thing does not exist.

And for that I blame myself.

However some of that burden is taken away when the sun heads west,

because i’m reminded of you when the sky turns to art.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem to send a message about how suicide can effect other people.

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