The Wind Seems Strong | Teen Ink

The Wind Seems Strong

March 28, 2009
By whenwefall GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
whenwefall GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

And the rain
Pounding to the ground.
Begs for me to run
And leave it lost in the sun.

But I whisper to the rain
"This is glorified pain,
But remember me as you go."

And that rain
Washes away the dirt
Cleanses deeply in my soul.
And accepts me not to go.

But I whisper to the rain
"This is glorified pain,
But remember me as you go."

Thunder coming round
To make the wind seem strong.
But the shower remains
And purifies all the wrongs.

And I whisper to the rain
"This is glorified pain
And remember me as you go."

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