My Hero Fell Short | Teen Ink

My Hero Fell Short

April 12, 2009
By jruff BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
jruff BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Superman saves the world/
Santa brings us joy/
As a child you learn that Superman isn't real and Santa isn't either/
So false hopes of a hero lie within/
Except..within daddy, my daddy is my hero, he never lets me down/
But even daddy becomes fiction/
Stuck in a situation where he chooses a decision that makes his childs life more of an option/
What happened to my hero?
You know... the one that came around and never did wrong/
Does he get a second chance?
I mean after all, hero's are suppose to know everything superman!/
My hero fell short on me...
Leaving me here with this pen/
sitting in this seat.. just wondering/
Will he ever be a hero..again

The author's comments:
Alot of things inspired me to write poetry in general. This particular subject really hit home because i was speaking on the relationship with my father. Alot of people deal witht this very same situation but don't really know how to put it into words. I hope that people can take from this that a hero lies inside of us, we don't have to confide within other people to make it somewhere in life. After hero fell short on me, and look where im at.

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