Sacrifice | Teen Ink


April 8, 2009
By Zerra GOLD, Pinnacle, North Carolina
Zerra GOLD, Pinnacle, North Carolina
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your eyes shine like morning's dew
Your hair a halos heavenly hue
Spirit free as a crisp sun's kiss
Skin as soft as The velvet flesh of flora
Your voice a melody from above

Beautiful to me you will always be
For light shines from you,
Spurring us into divine flight

Your eyes are hidden from me, But I see inside
Had only you to ask, the sun would surly fade,
Were a cyclone to come upon you,
The whispered caress of your breath need only to gasp
And calmed it's furies would be

A goddess among all, yet known not to you
Jewels heaped with plenty at your feet but around your neck,
A ribbon of lily.

A child's heart and an angels face,
Sent to us with divinities grace.
those like you are few and rare,
May Anubis treat you well

The author's comments:
Believe it or not... this came to me while listening to an NSYNC song.

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