Literary Grasp | Teen Ink

Literary Grasp

June 19, 2018
By AnayaKashmir SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
AnayaKashmir SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic” - Albus Dumbledore - JK Rowling

My heart begins to seep
My mind colors swirl
Blurring is inevitable
When the emotions all unfurl
Depth is just so abstract
And my dreams gently laugh
But when the water pulls me down
I somehow start to gasp

The books hear my plea
As they shuffle from my shelf

Words beginning to untangle
Knowing I need help
They wrap around each other
Forming a body of their own
And reach into the water
To grab hold of my bones

I am held in their clutch
Am beautiful in their eyes
So no matter where I go
They always hear my cries

I am safe, I am whole
In these pages, I shall sleep
Feeling letters warm my skin
Holding a soul that will weep

Because without them, where would I truly be?

The author's comments:

In moments where I feel as though I am drowning, words have saved me. They have healed and warmed me; this poem depicts that relationship.

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