shold youtubing be consederd as a full time job | Teen Ink

shold youtubing be consederd as a full time job

October 6, 2016
By Anonymous

I think youtubing should be considered to be a job.
Because you get payed as a youtuber and you get payed if you work as a shop clerk or a teacher or something like that.
Yes but youtubing is not as hard as a normal job like being a teacher and a clerk so it should not be considered as a job
Yeah youtubing is as hard as a normal job because you have to get perfect lighting in the room you are youtubing in and you have to set up the camera up just right. You also have to edit your video by using a computer.
Ok but any person cold set up stuff like that but that does not mean that you should call that a hard working job.
Yes but you also have to realize that you have to pay for all of the equipment in a job like teaching and farmers     and you have to pay for all of the equipment for youtubing.
you tubing takes time and effort to do and to master the skill of getting the lighting just right for the video. But you also have to know that it won't happen overnight it takes a lot of hard work

“Youtubing a job or a hobby“According to YouTube, over 6 billion hours of video are watched on the website every month.
To put that into perspective, that’s equivalent to almost an hour for every person on the planet.
First of all, this means there are a lot of people out there right now watching cat videos. Secondly, and more importantly, it means the potential audience for any online video is huge.
Whilst this may be bad news for anybody who’s recently slipped over or otherwise failed with a camera pointing their way, there’s no denying it’s excellent news for any creatives using YouTube as a platform.
Should creating YouTube videos ever be considered a full time job, or will it always just be a stepping stone to other things?
Yes it should be considered a full time job  because and you don't have to be good at something for it to be a full time job but if you are not getting payed then it might not work as a good job for you but if you have a job on top of youtubing if you just started working for out working for youtube youtube is a fun and a good job to start out but when you are not able to get a job because you are 14 or something like that because if you are in that age you can't get a job but you don't have to b e that young to be a youtuber.
But not all kids that age have a video camera
Yes but they might have a phone or their parents might have a phone and you can make the video on the phone and other post it from your phone or you can use a computer to upload the video but i think it is easier to  use your phone to upload.
Yes but you also have to realize that not all parents would like their kids on youtube because of all of the kreps on youtube
Yes but those creeps on youtube can't find them if they stay inside for youtubing because you don't have to be outside to youtube
So that is why i thank that youtubing should be considered a full time job


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