Should College Athletes Be Paid? | Teen Ink

Should College Athletes Be Paid?

January 7, 2016
By toddfields BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
toddfields BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
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Over a long period of time the question of whether college athletes should be paid or not has created a controversial debate. Some say they shouldn't be paid because collegiate athletes are too young. Other beleive they should because college athletics have gained immense popularity across the United States, they’re the reason for the college's great surplus in revenue. Intercollegiate sports have brought in a surplus of revenue to their respective Universities, as well as increasing the popularity of the College’s reputation. For example, in a study conducted by the Orlando Sentinel, it was estimated that the University of Texas’ Athletic Program had the highest revenue of any other University at $120,288,370 Yet with this large sum of money, no college athletes are legally compensated for their work.  According to NCAA rules, “You are not eligible for participation in a sport if you have ever: Taken pay, or the promise of pay, for competing in that sport” (NCAA Regulations 1). Due to this law, These amateur athletes have no incentive to stay in college and finish their respective degrees, as many cannot afford to pay for the increasingly expensive college experience.  While many argue that college athletes shouldn’t be paid as they are just amateurs representing their schools, I argue that athletes must and should be paid for bringing in most if not all of the school's revenue.

Think of if you were a college athlete: your daily schedule would consist of waking up early and going to your practice. After the morning practice, you have to go to all of your classes. Then, since you are likely failing a few of classes because you are juggling all your basketball duties, you have a tutoring session. Lastly, to finish your day off, you have more practice, which probably ends late then when you get back to your dorm you have to study then you have a couple hours of sleep and then repeat in the morning. Athletes have to follow this routine the whole school year. With all the athletes’ time going towards their sports and studies they have no time to find a job or work to pay for tuition or living expenses. Some of them are in college solely for their skill in their particular sport. This can lead to an increasing amount of debt because they are not gaining income to pay toward any college expenses. Would you not want your college to pay you in some way to compensate for not having a job or even being allowed to have one? Would you not want your college to thank you for your efforts in your sport?
An additional issue is scholarships: College athletes should be getting paid because scholarships do not always pay for all of your requirements for college. Since these athletes are not able to work because of sports and classes they wouldn't be able to pay off the debts they will be put in because they have none to very little income to pay for tuition.
Some people argue that college athletes are used by colleges. Colleges bring in these great athletes to their school and gain popularity, a lot of attention, improve reputation and receive great reviews and obtain thousands and thousands of dollars of revenue. The students are working hard for the school and bringing in money for the university everyday and yet still to be rewarded for any of their services that is definitely going unnoticed.
Some people say student athletes shouldn't be paid because it will Interfere with the main focus of college: education. They believe the money will distract the students from the school work and the money will take over their lives. They say the amount of money you would make in four years of being paid for your sport--if you stay for four years-- doesn't compare to the money you'll make through your lifetime with a full career.

I can see why college athletes shouldn't be paid because they’re not professionals, they’re not going to be doing this for the rest of their lives. It's not their career, it's only four years, maybe. Collegiate sports are not careers, so students shouldn't be paid salaries for participating in a sport that is for leisure time but they're doing the same things as professionals. They're representing their team, bringing in fans, money and the ultimate goal, Championships.

U.S News states, “Let's be clear about the context within which this question usually arises. It usually does not come up at those NCAA Division I institutions that struggle to fund their athletic programs or in Division II or Division III. There is a misconception that athletic programs in general are profitable and institutions are making money hand-over-fist. The truth is that only a fraction of the programs are profitable while most operate at a cost to the institution.” most colleges are in debt and or struggle to fund athletic divisions especially the big name, high income sports such as basketball and football.

On the other hand I believe college athletes should be paid. Some schools bring millions of dollars with sports plus, College athletes have it a lot tougher than the pros in my opinion. They have to balance a school life, study times, side jobs if they have any and then play sports. Pros get paid to represent their team, make fame for the team and win games,while college athletes do the same things for free. Why can't they get paid for the same service? They all work just as hard as the pros and in many people's opinion college sports are even more exciting and interesting than professional sports According to “Let’s start Paying College Athletes” by Joe Nocera of The New York Times, the 15 highest-paid NCAA football coaches made $53.4 million; meanwhile, the 13,877 Division I players made $0. Coaches get paid. I understand that coaching is their career but it's the students that make the coach look good or not, win games or not, bring in all the money in their particular sport.

Plus, some college athletes come from poor families so they're living off scholarships and the pay from jobs around the campus which is not that much. So it would be nice for colleges to help them out financially.

Even if colleges can't give the students checks in hand the least they can do is give them money towards their tuition and help them pay it off or maybe even help with supplies such as class books or clothing.

And even If colleges don't want to lose money by paying for “amateur” athletes, they could pay the populated sports: basketball, football, baseball etc; and reward them for bringing in most of the college's revenue.
In conclusion collegiate athletes should be paid. People should get paid for what their worth.

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