Leadership in High School | Teen Ink

Leadership in High School

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

In high school, sports teams almost always have a student who is a captain, or other type of leader, for their team.  They are expected to know what to do, show the team how to do it, and lead the team to their goal.  What makes a good leader in high school activities?  Coaches must ensure that the leader they have chosen will be most beneficial to the team.  The leader must have a good vision, good relations with the team, and the correct social skills in order to be a good leader.

On Huffpost.com, the Hung Vo discusses the qualities that a good leader needs.  He talks about the importance of a leader needing a vision and having the confidence to do what it takes to carry out this vision.  In order for a captain to be a good leader, he or she must have a clear vision of where the team needs to be at the end of the season.  Without a vision, a team will have nothing to strive for and will not get any better than how they start. A good leader must know where to led the team, and must also make the team aware of what they are striving to do.  Confidence is indeed needed to lead a team, but arrogance will worsen a situation.  With confidence, a captain will take the sometimes extraneous steps needed to push a team; however, arrogance will have a captain thinking he or she is better than the rest of the team, and the team will not want to follow their captain. 

The Barna group did a study, shared on barna.org, that researched how people respond to their leader.  Research showed that 25% of American workers feel that their progress is limited because of poor leadership.  If a team leader has bad leadership qualities, the team may feel as though they are being held back from their full potential.  High Schoolers respond best knowing that their leader is pushing them to their fullest potential.  Research also showed that 91% of workers enjoy working for a good leader.  When people enjoy working for a good leader, they will be open to trying hard for their leader.  High Schoolers will respond to good leadership working hard because they enjoy what they’re doing and who they’re doing it for. 

On believeperform.com, Sidd Sample shares information on leadership in high school sports.  Research showed that high school aged kids prefer a leader who gives them positive feedback.  High School students want to be encouraged to do better instead of being severely put down.  Positive feedback will show them that they are improving, and with this realization, they will try to continue improving in order to get more positive feedback and even a little praise for their success.  High Schoolers also respond best to a leader who gives them social support.  In high school, students are put through all types of emotional struggles.  Knowing that their team captain is always able to lend his or her support gives the student a sense of respect for their captain.  Social support from a captain will also help build personal relationships between the leader and the team. 

Student leaders are important in school sports as it teaches leadership and respect.  However, on the coaches part, it is most important that captains are good leaders in order for a group to truly thrive. With a good, effective leader, a team will be bonded, have respect, and be successful. 

The author's comments:

Too often, bad leadership skills tear apart a team and prevent them from success

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