Football safe or not | Teen Ink

Football safe or not

May 29, 2014
By billy5252 BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
billy5252 BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
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Football safe or not

Have you ever been told as a kid that football was too dangerous to participate in? Well i have, and personally i believe that statement is inaccurate. There are many reasons why i think it is inaccurate. One reason is because coaches should be helping the players not get hurt. Another reason is you wear protective gear. The final reason is football isn't the sport with the highest injury percentage.

Picture this a player gets the wind knocked out of him and he is down. Immediately the the coach runs out on the field and knows exactly what to do to fix the problem. That is what every football coach will do. In american football every coach teaches their players how not to get hurt. Coaches have to go to classes so they know how to keep their players safe. In these classes they learn how to teach their kids the right form and procedure in football so they don't get hurt. They also learn what to do if a player does go down. Also the coaches spend weeks teaching safe ways to play. Another things they do is teach their players how not to hurt other players. That is one of the reasons football is not too dangerous for young kids. They also make sure kids wear protective gear. That is how couches help prevent injuries.

Football is not that dangerous because you are wearing protective gear. The players wear some of the best gear on the market. They wear special helmets that experts spend years perfecting. The experts make the helmets concussion resistant. You also wear shoulder pads. These pads rest on your shoulders and end about halfway down your rib cage. This pads protect you because they cover where you get hit most often. Another set of pads you wear is knee pads and thigh pads. These help preventing dead legs and broken legs. With all these pads on it is unlikely for you to get hurt. These pads all help prevent concussion and injuries.

Its not just football. football is not the only sport where concussions are present. In girls ice hockey there are almost double the amount of concussions. Football has even been doing things to prevent concussions. They have reduced the amount of contact that they allow in practice. They have also made more rules on how to hit somebody and what is illegal. Football has made a lot of improvement to keep the players safe.

Other people may claim that football is too dangerous for young kids because there are more concussions in football than any other sport. However, in girls ice hockey there are more concussions per year. Also Organized football among 5 – 15 year olds has 12 percent fewer injuries per capita than organized. That is why what most people say is wrong.

Those are the reasons that football is not too dangerous for young kids. From the coaches, referees, and the experts that make the pads all help to prevent the concussions and injuries. I'm not saying there is not gonna be any injuries. There are injuries in every sport. What do you think about football know?

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