Harms of Soccer | Teen Ink

Harms of Soccer

May 29, 2014
By Anonymous

Soccer, “ITS DANGEROUS”, you don’t want to play it if your not prepared for it! We should be more careful getting involved in sports like soccer because it can cause many accidents/injuries. There are many things that can happen when you play soccer including major injuries. Just saying from my “experience” its very dangerous and very hard to learn. One more thing if you ever decide to play soccer BE CAREFUL.

For example like concussions. Facts about concussions is that many kids at young ages are more exposed to getting concussions, at a rate of 19-19.2% of people get concussions playing soccer. Leads to CTE, brain tumors, and memory loss that can be very serious and maybe untreatable.

One of the biggest injuries caused in playing soccer is getting sprain ankles. As evidence statistics show that all injuries 17 to 20% were ankle sprains and the incidence varied between 1.7 to 2.0 ankle injuries per 1,000 hours of exposure. This can lead to temporary injury to about 2-4 weeks. Then if not next comes broken foot or leg that leads to an end of your soccer career. And clearly people who play soccer do not want that because that's very very serious.

Another very effective injury and probably one of the most dangerous is weak knees. As others might say that its not a very common thing to happen while playing soccer well they’re wrong. For example statistics show that knee injuries occur in 27% to 46% of soccer players and are seen more frequently in females than males. That's about half which is a big deal which also means that its more likely to happen/occur then all the other injuries.

Soccer is a great sport to play and get involved in. it might be dangerous but its very fun to play. And don't forget very hard to learn too. Also soccer is one the most popular sports in the world. And sure soccer is dangerous but not near as dangerous as all the other sports like football & basketball.

We should be more careful getting involved in sports like soccer because it can cause many accidents/injuries. Also if you ever decide to play soccer, and I quote “be prepared for the dangerous encounters”. One more thing, soccer might be a great sport to play but are you really prepared to put yourself in harms way so that you can play a sport that you like/love?

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