Dangers of Sport activities | Teen Ink

Dangers of Sport activities

January 8, 2014
By Lockfire BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Lockfire BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
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Did you know that in any kind of sport activity there is a possible chance you can get either a minimal or serious injury. I should know because I got injured while playing a sport. When I was a goalie playing soccer, Someone from the opposing team came to me with the ball and struck it with all the power they had. I call that kind of shot a “Power Kick”. It hit me right at my leg. I did survive only received minimal pain with a little burn. But what if it wasn't my leg what if it were somewhere like my face. Now that would of really hurt. That is why I think that people should be caution or at least wear safety gear when playing sports. Many other people will have to go to the nurse - maybe even the hospital - for their recklessness.

To prove my point I had a bunch of people take a survey that I have for them. I am going to say some of their responses. A soccer player, says that the got more injured at soccer. He gave it a danger rate of 6.5. Here is another one. A skateboarder, says he got injured at skateboarding. He said that it depends how advance you are at skateboarding if you are to wear safety gear or be cautious . Finally our last volunteer, and good friend, said she got hurt while swimming and running. She said that even though she got injured at running/swimming she said it was still worth it and kept going. Well now that you see that it doesn't mean I'm done. I've still got a lot more information to show you.

I even did a survey of peoples opinion of what sport they think is the most dangerous. And out of all the 15 people I have surveyed, the one with the most votes was hockey. And I can't say that i’m surprised. Hockey can lead to some brutal injuries. When I see a hockey game going on I sometimes see a person getting rammed onto the wall, the hockey puck hitting someone in the gut. Even a person that just gets reckless and accidently hits someone with a hockey stick causing them to be hurt very bad and maybe had to be sent to the hospital. Why do you think there is a foul zone in the first place, because people there are too hyper and mad and just get wild all over the place without knowing the consequences. So basically hockey is indeed a dangerous sport. But none less dangerous than any of the other sports that I am about to mention.

Lets try football. People always find themselves on the ground every time they have the ball around their arms. But someone might be a little bit too rough and tackle the other person with full force, something like that might just send somebody to the hospital. So you see that is why they wear safety gear, because imagine without the safety gear on and the person got tackled again, they could get more hurt than they already were before the gear. Did you know that more than 300 people have died because of football. Even me saying that out loud scares me.

Now I know what you are thinking. Chess is a sport but it is not dangerous, but that doesn't mean something can’t happen. Take this for example, say if someone lost and they got very mad, and I mean very mad. So mad that they would throw the chess pieces at you with full power and hit you in your most sensitive places like your eye. Well i'm not saying you should wear safety gear but at least be cautious because nothing can be perfectly safe.

Then we go to extreme sports. While people think it is all fun and games and that nothing can go wrong, all of a sudden people put their lives on the line, AND FOR WHAT? For some popularity, money, or maybe it is just for your own SICK amusement! I mean come on people I would never thought people would go this far. Now I don't know if people should keep doing extreme sports, because MANY PEOPLE DIE. And that’s no joke. Why do you think it is called extreme sports, probably because it is too extreme for the human body to handle. In fact more than 100 people had died because of extreme sports. So now you see my point.

There are many more sports that I can explain how they can be dangerous. Sports are dangerous and after what you just read I believe you will find it hard to say otherwise. So that is why me, and many other people agree when I say people should be either wearing safety gear, or be very cautious when playing sports. What if it was you who was severely hurt? What would you do then? You'd probably be in a hospital. regretting your decision to play such a sport. So please listen to me, be careful when playing sports and maybe you can still live to see another day.

The author's comments:
Be careful when playing sports or you will end up hurt

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