A touch back on the salaries | Teen Ink

A touch back on the salaries

January 8, 2014
By timmisdatimmis BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
timmisdatimmis BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are millions of workers out in the world. Some are paid as little as 8.00 an hour, while some are paid hundreds by the minute. The things that all these people have in common are that they all worked hard to get where they are. While some worked harder than others that showed respectively in there bank account.
But this system has now become corrupt.
People who go through years and years of extra schooling to get their minds mentally ready to become something that will benefit the whole world, others do the minimum and get paid millions.
These people are sports players.
While they may not all be bad people and some may be even smart enough to become doctors and computer scientists if they wished, others are just physically gifted. Because they are so amazing at sportspeople hound upon them to see them play. Some as much as thousands of dollars. Its messed up that we live in a world where a doctor or a mathematician gets paid a fraction of an NBA bench warmer.
My mom is a orthodontist, in other words a dentist who does the less messy work. She makes good money doing what she does as well as she fixes peoples teeth problems for the benefit of the public. While she sits at work from 9:00 - 7:00 at night Sports players like cole aldrich are paid 2.445 million dollars for simply passing the ball to the good players. Half the time, the players aren’t even playing the game, there just resting up their arms and legs so that the next time they play they can give there all.
I understand that they push themselves to extreme levels every game but take baseball players who unless you're a pitcher, don’t have much to sweat about every game. Its sickening how little they give versus how much they gain.
The money some of the players make is insane. When shaq was playing, he got a deal with the lakers for 200 million dollars for only 5 seasons. He now has more money than he has ideas to spend it on.
The average pay of the players is insane. Basketball players on average make 5.3 million dollars. Thats just an average, people like Kobe Bryant make over 30 million dollars. If he gets injured, he gets the money for not even playing the game. Outside of basketball are players like Alex Rodriguez, an alright baseball player, who gets paid 28 million dollars even though he most likely does steroids.
Imagine what it would be like to be one of these bad players who get paid millions. When you would have games, you would sit out for the first half so that the good players can go in and gain a lead. When you finally get in you're a terrible defender because you’re just not that skilled at the game. Points are driven in on you because your defense is horrible. When the paycheck comes in the end of the year your jaw drops in astonishment for the 5th time.
This is a reality for many players. All they do is act like going on the court/field is the first time they ever played the sport. While they may be good on a non professional level, what really matters is the pro league. They can get paid millions for just being on the court practically watching the game. Take Derrick Rose, a injury prone basketball player, who can barely stay on the floor for a week without tearing his ACL.
For the people out in the world who struggle for money, they have to work for months to get what a player gets in a week. You could imagine what someone overflown with money would do with “Excess.” “Yuck, leftovers, I’ll just get new food.” Some people go as far as sitting in the rain for jobs like trash collecting and delivering mail. They are the ones who should be making good money because they help the community rather than entertain it.
It disgusts me that people like Omar Asik, a bad basketball player, ask for MORE money than they already have. Its not like working people can ask for a raise because they feel like it.
There greedy.
There vain.
There abominations.

Its strange how people can overlook some of the most obvious things.

Over the years, pays have been getting higher and higher for some of the most idiotic professions. Over time these sports players will be making more than famous inventors and brilliant computer scientists. Everyone in the NBA, the NFL, And the NHL will all be athletic Bill Gates. We won’t progress in science, math, or any beneficial studies if every kid ever born only looks up to being an athletic superstar. Entertainment should only be a mediocre living opposed to those who brave the worst. People in earlier times had it right that those who did what society did not want to do should get paid the most like those who disposed of feces. Our society is far off from this moral. People who do the dirt work should not be paid like what they have to go through.
Millions are not given.
They are gained.

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