Are players more likely to suffer concussions in practice than in game? | Teen Ink

Are players more likely to suffer concussions in practice than in game?

January 3, 2022
By 444victor_arcineda BRONZE, Sacaramento, California
444victor_arcineda BRONZE, Sacaramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As a football player who's been knocked on my butt many times and is undersized,I would say yes. Bad tackling form can be a one way trip to getting one. Certain drills where it involves hitting each other full speed, you might be going over and over because some players don't want to go. Causing you to have a higher chance of getting a concussion.


Players suffer more concussions in practice than in games. This was reported by medical researchers. The reason for this is because there are more players exposed to contact. Also alot of players won't even get in games so they get most reps from practice. Which means a higher number of players sustaining concussions. But with the players that do play more in games, will have a higher chance of suffering one.



Over 5 seasons of college football,72% of concussions happened in practice, published in JAMA Neurology. With coaches trying to prepare players for the regular season, there will be more full contact action during the preseason. There are more high intensity contact drills. The NFL and other leagues had taken precaution to these worries, for example the NFL implemented a rule where no more than 14 padded practices during the season can be held.  Researchers have found that less than 7 percent of concussions happened during practice, according to league data. 




In conclusion players are more likely to suffer concussions in practice. It is kind of uncontrollable because of the amount of preparation players need.  But there can be ways to help with concussions, like making better quality helmets and making rules. Maybe coaches can require players to wear guardian caps which reduces impact reduction. With more rules and regulations concussions in practice seem to be dropping.

The author's comments:

if you have a concussion dont rush getting back on to the field

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