Last Thursdayism, or Next Thursdayism? | Teen Ink

Last Thursdayism, or Next Thursdayism?

March 2, 2015
By trevklug SILVER, Hemet, California
trevklug SILVER, Hemet, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever heard of Last Thursdayism? If not, prepare to question reality. Last Thursdayism is a idea that everything, you and everyone you know, the universe itself, was created last Thursday. You may say "Well, I certainly remember being alive last Wednesday, so how could the world have been created last Thursday?" This is because with the creation of the universe, your memories were created with it. Everything was created to appear older than it really was. Of course, nobody actually believes this nonsense, but is there anyway you can disprove it? Thursday was chosen for some reason or another, but in reality this theory could be applied to any time before this present second. Five years ago, five months ago, or even 5 minutes ago, the universe could have began.Interesting, isn't it? Two weeks from now, there's no way you could prove today. Today, five days from now, never occured.

This theory, more than any other about the origins of the universe, ultimately demands the presence of a grand fabricator, a God if you will. Theories surrounding the motives of this divine character state that the reason he created this universe ten seconds ago, is as a test, not unlike the Christian God. In a omphalos hypothesis, which is the theory that the universe was created to appear very old when indeed it was created only recently, God did this as a test of faith, to see if people would be decieved by his trickery. Of course, nobody knows why he would do this for any reason other than a good laugh.

So, if the universe was created in the last ten seconds, or last Thursday, what stops it from being destroyed in the next 10 seconds, or next Thursday? Absolutely nothing does. This is why, regardless of what you believe, you've got to live life with a smile on your face. Live now, because in a week you may not be. All those things you've been putting off? Get them done now, because admit it, there will always be a convinient excuse. Most of all, enjoy how leisurely life is, because after all, today won't have existed Next Thursday.

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