Live for Life | Teen Ink

Live for Life

December 26, 2009
By fall_from_grace SILVER, Lakeside, Arizona
fall_from_grace SILVER, Lakeside, Arizona
6 articles 6 photos 56 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
-Oscar Wilde
(yes, I do note the irony in quoting this)

Your eyes were watching god, and trained on the sky as they were, have failed to see the revolution surging around you. People are changing, learning and growing. Faith is being replaced by thought, Heaven by hope, and Hell by loss. People no longer need a god to make their decisions. They are starting to find individual beliefs, to discover a confidence in their own abilities that, with any luck, will help them see beyond what they are not supposed to question. Your religion has started to show the holes in its reasoning that for years have been hidden under fear and human weakness.

If a person wrote a book with 10 rules in it, and they claimed that if you followed these edicts you would have a perfect existence forever after death, but, in turn, if you didn’t you would rot in the worst torture imaginable for all eternity, you would scorn him. You wold likely think them insane. Likewise if, in this book, he told fantastic tales of heros that never existed and things that didn’t and couldn’t happen, you would not take these ravings as historical fact. Where is the difference between this mere human and the Christian church? This book and the Bible? You might say that God leads the church and wrote the Bible, but couldn’t this anonymous person claim the same justifications? Couldn’t he swear that God came to him and told him all he needed to know, that God directed them at every turn? He might even believe it, but dose that mean it’s true?

I can’t see the beauty in your religion that you do. I see lies. Not just lies about history and science but the worst lies of all, I see people deceiving themselves. I see brain washing and manipulation, and most of all blackmail. If you want so much to have something to believe in, why not believe in each other? I look around and see good and beauty and LIFE. I see the beginning and the end, and I see infinite reasons to be grateful for that. I love that life is everything, that it is not some test to make sure your good enough. I love that every kind thing I do, I do it for people and animal and for myself, that I don’t need to be threatened into it. I also love that when I screw up and do something selfish and awful I feel horrible about it, not because I’ll go to Hell, but because I hurt someone and thats more than enough to make me put it right. For me, the only reason life is worth living is because it’s mind. It’s ours. Why live in fear. You get one chance to make life better for others, to do more good than evil, and to change things. I own who I am and what I do and that makes life so potent that I will only need this chance. Life is all I need. Why do you need a promise of more to make your life important?

The author's comments:
One of my earlier attempts.

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