Savage Stereotypes | Teen Ink

Savage Stereotypes

March 1, 2018
By emlee_2002 SILVER, Huntington, Indiana
emlee_2002 SILVER, Huntington, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Stereotypes have plagued this world for far too long. They have attacked every child, teen, and adult, and they will continue to do so until we ensure their demise. With their cruelty, they have made a multitude of merry children riddled with the coldest of melancholy. Stereotypes put a filter over reality. Stereotypes should be ended to destroy the anguish they people, society, and cultures must endure.

People have been negatively affected by stereotypes in a plethora of ways. Everyone has been misinterpreted by someone else during a first impression because stereotypes have interfered with the personality that the person saw. With this augmenting issue, this can further lead to decreased opportunities, especially if the stereotypical person were an employer. Stereotyping promotes negative self-esteem because you feel that your personality is not good enough for the world to accept. In this case, it also demotes uniqueness. When you are trying to avoid letting the world down by differing from those that may look like you, originate from a similar place, or talk like you, then you are eliminating the interesting and distinct characteristics that make up a personality, shredding the creativity of being an individual. People have bee abused by stereotypes, and they have allowed society to be abused too.

Stereotyping has enveloped society with its sickeningly vicious ways. Society has been mishandled, along with their members. Stereotyping encourages many types of abuse that America should have defeated long ago. When we use applications such as that African Americans are good at sports or that they are prone to violence, we are not only stereotyping, but also being racist. Various forms of stereotyping influences and invigorates both racism and discrimination; this is applicable to sexism too. When you say that women are horrible drivers or that men like sports, you have become sexist. Some may excuse the popularity of stereotyping because of the concept of the Monkey Sphere, which essentially says that the average human brain can only keep track and tolerate 150 different personalities. However, humans are capable of empathy and analytical thinking, so it shouldn't be too much to ask them not to make such atrocious assumptions. Despite its popularity, stereotyping is an unnecessary evil that must be dealt with in order to bring harmony to society and the world.

All of the various cultures have suffered greatly due to the level of intensity that stereotypes have treated them. As Americans, we are taught to immediately establish someone that looks a certain way to a certain culture. We are taught to mistreat this person, and we are taught that they are exceedingly dangerous, but that is a completely fallacious line of thought. According to a study from Michael Johns at the University of Arizona, women that took math tests and Hispanics that took intelligence tests that were given reminders of the stereotypes associated with their cultures, performed worse on these test because of their "working memory capacity." There are so many people in those cultures that will be affected by a decrease in their ability to produce results because of the people that are stereotypical. Stereotypes also impact cultures by enhancing miscommunication and misunderstanding between the stereotypical person and the stereotyped people. Cultures have to go through many difficulties with stereotypes to get through the day, and especially to get through life.

It is critical that we put an end to stereotypes to save the marvelous people, societies, and cultures of this world. Stereotypes can tear a person apart with the insatiable need to feel like you belong. Societies become weak when their sources of power are racism and sexism- effects of stereotyping. Cultures are completely misunderstood. Stereotyping is a disease that is due for eradication and a calamity that will feel its own destruction. Start stopping stereotyping to save the world of its potent brutality.

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