Karma Will Get You Nowhere | Teen Ink

Karma Will Get You Nowhere

October 26, 2017
By An_Actual_Twin23 BRONZE, Warwick, Rhode Island
An_Actual_Twin23 BRONZE, Warwick, Rhode Island
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He stomped into the room, lifting everyone’s heads away from their work, flopped on the chair, and casually jeered with his friends, vexing anyone within a 50-foot radius. The girl next to me was completely enticed within Snapchat. I then noticed the aroma of bologna, and concluded the boy directly behind me was eating a sandwich.
Soon after, majority of students claimed they were done with their weekly assignments, and proceeded to berate other students. No… That couldn’t be right… the teacher never even passed out the last assignment. As I collected my busywork, I pointed this out to the teacher. He logically proceeded to do… absolutely nothing? I was confused, dumbfounded, even infuriated!

This is no surprise, but those students were international trouble-makers. They were expected to act this way. So, does this mean they are excused of doing so? Are the role-models supposed to be the only ones who follow the rules? How? This shouldn’t be how the world works, right? People always earn what they deserve, pure or impure. That’s at least what I have been taught. Karma acts upon all.

Consequently, I have come to learn that karma is simply an excuse for unfortunate saints to latch onto while wealthy devils cackle at their recent profit raise. The humbler explanation reigns true. The world is unfair and there is no way to beat around the bush.

Whenever I review or reflect on history, I force myself to remember that the winners wrote the history books. The innocent protagonists have a dark side to their story, while the enemies aren’t puppets of Satin. These historic figures simply don’t write any unjust actions they performed on paper. Maybe George Washington wasn’t Superman building his own Metropolis. Possibly he was closer to Batman building his own Gotham. There is a dark side, but the history book directs us in the contradictory path. 

Karma, like many other things, is relative, so it cannot be universal. One person could see something as askew, while another person with a similar prospective could see the situation as equal or parallel. Karma cannot be written in stone like a religious commandment.

For instance, my friend Justin and I traveled to a camp site for vacation. We both explored the site when we stumbled upon the community pool. Justin hops in delight, ecstatic for a dip in the pool, more azure than a depressed soul on a rainy day. I, however, stopped him from blindly leaping onto an unsuspecting child. We were soon kicked out for our horseplay.

I saw this as helpful, saving the little girl from being crushed under a psychotic, clumsy, and reckless teenager. Justin thought he could have avoided the victim and that I ruined his fun, which was an unjust deed in his prospective. This is exactly how karma works. It only suits the beliefs of a specific individual, instead of a unanimous vote.

No one ought to have to depend on karma to do their bidding or dirty work. If I want justice, magic is not the way to achieve it. I must work for this justice instead of lying to myself that God will trouble my enemies for me.

The author's comments:

I don't want to force people into changing their minds, I just want them to see things in their own perspective.

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