Garnet: A Great Representation of a Gay Relationship | Teen Ink

Garnet: A Great Representation of a Gay Relationship

September 19, 2017
By Maire BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Maire BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I am made of love” (Stronger Than You). The Cartoon Network show Steven Universe, by Rebecca Sugar, exposes children to many sensitive topics that most kid shows aren't willing to explore. Subjects such as, abusive relationships, consent, non-traditional families, harassment, loss, feeling like you don’t belong, and gay relationships are used to develop characters and plots in a way that doesn’t just make the show for little kids. Relationships in the show are mostly shown by fusion, two characters becoming one through dance and emotional harmony. The more connected the characters, the more stable the fusion. The character Garnet, a fusion of Ruby and Sapphire, is a great example of a lesbian relationship for kids and young adults.

Ruby and Sapphire are crucial to be able to understand Garnet. Ruby is a short warrior with a color pallet filled with reds. She has bright red skin with a maroon tank top, shorts, and boots. Her square, mahogany, afro of hair with headband make her very distinct. Ruby wears her heart on her sleeve and has a personality that can best be summarized as the traits associated with the right brain. She is passionate, warm hearted, and kind when she is happy, but when Ruby is angry or stressed she can be impulsive and hot headed. She is sometimes known to start small fires when her emotions take control and once boiled away a motel swimming pool. Ruby cares deeply for Sapphire and it is first shown when Ruby saves her from the attacking rebels.

Sapphire is an aristocrat with a blue coloration that is just as short as Ruby. She has a regal, blue and white, floor length gown that makes her resemble a princess. Sapphire’s long white hair adds to her noble aura, with bangs long enough to cover her single blue eye. It is very hard to read sapphire’s emotions. If Ruby is the right brain, then Sapphire is the left brain. She is cool under pressure, calculating, but can also come off as cold hearted. Ice crystals form around her if she feels stuck or is shutting others out. Sapphire’s single eye gives her clairvoyant abilities, which can be very helpful when making strategies, but also make her seem insensitive to people's problems because she can look to when they're already solved. Sapphire loves Ruby and it is first shown when Sapphire runs away with her to save her from being executed.


When united after being forcefully separated, they embrace each other.


“Did they hurt you?”, Ruby demanded, filled with concern.
“No, I’m fine. Did they hurt you?” Reciprocated Sapphire.
“Who cares?!”
“I do!”
(From Jail Break: Season 1).

Ruby picks up Sapphire by the waist and twirls her around until, in a flash of light, Garnet appears, happy to be herself again. Garnet is a tall, curvy, warrior, made and held together by Ruby and Sapphire’s love for eachother. Ruby’s heat and Sapphire’s chill make Garnet the perfect storm. Her three eyes, one red, one blue, and one purple, are covered by a pair of sleek, geometric sunglasses that she only takes off when she wants to show what she’s feeling. Her deep cherry skin looks dark compared to the blush, rose, and cerise star crossfade on her top. Her pants split into navy blue on the left and mahogany on the right. She has Ruby’s square, black, hair and Sapphire’s future vision. Others in her group look to her for kindness, strength, and wisdom. She is as strong as Ruby and Sapphire’s love for each other and they bring out the best in eachother through her.


Garnet is a character that appears in almost every episode of the series, showing how stable her fusion is. Fans didn’t get to find out about her being a fusion until the end of season one. LGBTQ representation in cartoons is very important because it will create understanding and acceptance in that generation as opposed to fear and chaos that comes with ignorance. The existence, strength, stability, and the formation of Garnet make her an excellent representation of a lesbian relationship to kids and young adults.

The author's comments:

Steven Universe is a great show that deals with imporant themes and gives representation to those who commonly are left behind by the media.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 28 2018 at 8:16 pm
WolfWhisperer0911 BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 623 comments
@Maire Well said I like Garnet because of her role of a mother to Steven, her savage moments, both Ruby and Sapphire, and that she is an exciting character who wants to be a forever a fusion.