A New Cool | Teen Ink

A New Cool

September 16, 2017
By LiaKim___ BRONZE, Tenafly, New Jersey
LiaKim___ BRONZE, Tenafly, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The “cool” people are the ones you want to be like, or the ones you want to be friends with. Most people think that in order to be “cool” you have to act a certain way, which is being unkind to others. Even if it’s giving someone a glaring look or rolling your eyes when somebody who is less popular does something uncool, those little things are what make your personality.  Who wants to be friends with people like that?  Maybe instead of being so obsessed on trying to “look” cool you should be yourself and change that glare into a smile and change that disgust into laughter. If being mean is now overrated, then can kindness become cool? Kindness can become cool because we are learning at a younger age that we have to be kind to one another, and people will realize that they don’t want to hang out with the people who are unkind.

Kindness can become cool with the help of schools. Schools don’t allow any type of bullying or even mean actions or words to be said to anyone. They are trying to make the children’s education a bully free zone, which means they do not tolerate any type of unkind behavior. But not only are high schools or middle schools trying to promote the idea of kindness, but elementary schools are also doing it too. This is teaching children at younger and younger ages to be kind, and that being kind is the right thing to do.

  As kindness becomes more common in our environment, the people who are mean, won’t be as “cool” anymore. If kindness becomes the new trend, if you’re not following it, you won’t be seen as cool, by most people. What people think is “cool” now, for example, being mean, thinking like they have the right to make fun of someone because they are overweight, making fun of someone because they have a disability, or calling someone stupid, will not be cool when everyone starts to realize that being kind is the right thing.

Why do people think that being unkind is the only way to be cool? The whole purpose of trying to act cool is so that you can be more popular and so that people see you as a person they want to hang out with. Being cool is all about appearance, and being mean to others shows how you’re better than the less popular people. But what most of us can’t seem to open up our eyes and see is that in the future we are going to tell ourselves how much of a better person we would have been if we were kinder.

Cool isn’t a destination you arrive to when you are unkind, wear the right clothes or have the right friends. Being cool is what you, me, and what everyone else makes it. Kindness can become cool because the world is changing, and some people are willing to change with it. If we can get the trend starters, and the “cool” kids to start being kind, everyone will start to follow, and we will realize now, instead of 20 years later, that we can be kind and be cool, we don’t have to be one or the other.

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