Words are Power | Teen Ink

Words are Power

July 12, 2016
By JamieNease BRONZE, South Lebanon, Ohio
JamieNease BRONZE, South Lebanon, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The words you speak give you power no matter how young or old you are. At first people probably won't listen to you because of you age or ethnicity. But keep speaking, don't fade away, be loud and your voice will be heard. When you stay silent the enemy wins and nothing changes. So even when people tell you to "Shut up" don't scream as loud as you can and don't stop until someone listens. When someone listens changes are made. So whether you are a popstar, or a shy kid from a small town if you want something to change you have to use your words and fight for it, and don't stop until that change is made.

The author's comments:

When you are young and when you are old you feel like your opinion doesn't matter, you feel like your voice is never heard, but i think that everyone's opinion matters, and that everyone's voice deserves to be heard.

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