What Matters to Me | Teen Ink

What Matters to Me

June 6, 2016
By DestinyJayde SILVER, Walkerville , Michigan
DestinyJayde SILVER, Walkerville , Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What matters to me is getting help for the kids/women that get abused. I want to help everyone that gets abused. I feel bad for the babies that get hit and beat or killed because they didn’t deserve any of it. They are little kids and their mom and dad or babysitters just beat them for no reason. I seen a thing on facebook about a 3 year old who was killed by his mom and mom’s boyfriend. His dad hung him by his feet and beat him for three days. He didn’t do anything to be abused. One on the article in teen ink was “Lifetime Of Abuse” It was about a teen girl who tried to kill herself because her dad was abusing her and her mom.

It’s sad that people would do that. It’s the same as bullying. The kids that bully don’t know what’s on at home. The kids who are being bullied could be being abused at home. You never know what’s happening. We need to be more aware about the kids being abused mentally and physically. I hate when i see kids being abused. I seen a video on facebook of a mother choking her son for no reason. I just don’t understand what the kids do. There’s a movie that’s based on a true story of a little girl who was been abused by her adoptive father. She was playing with her toy drum and she wouldn't stop when her dad told her to and he picked her up and shook her and she was paralyzed.

It was based on a true story. The name if the movie is More Than Chance. The little girl was only two when she was paralyzed. Her name is Kelsey. She was adopted from Russia and she was only two and she had post traumatic stress from all the traveling she was doing at such a young age and then she was abused by her dad for not listening. She was in the hospital for days and then she went to another home and her dream was to be in the nutcracker play and she was her dream came true they made a part to go around her wheelchair.

It’s not only parents killing their children but its teens killing their friends or family. A 18 year old killed her 17 year old cousin because “god made her do it” was what she told the cops. Two kids got put in jail because they stabbed their friend at a sleepover they were going for a walk to look for “slenderman” but when they went out into the woods they stabbed their friend. The two girls were only 12 and 13 and stabbed their friend 19 times they were charged as an adult. This proves that not only adults abuse/kill kids but also kids abusing/killing other kids. Classmates being killed by other classmates family being killed by other family members. Parents killing their kids or even babysitters killing/abusing the kids they are watching.

I don’t really like the fact of parents abusing their kids it’s not right. If you didn’t want the kid why did you do something to have the kid. There’s a lot of things you can do to help end child abuse or woman abuse. For example if you see someone abusing their child call 911 or if you see someone abusing a woman call 911 because it’s not okay. It’s never okay to hit your child not for any reason even if their being bad.

The author's comments:

I did this because this is a topic i think about alot I hate child abuse. I hate the fact the children that are doing nothing get abused.

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