Threat of Time | Teen Ink

Threat of Time

May 19, 2016
By whiteoakdoors264 GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
whiteoakdoors264 GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Time is the equivalence to an enemy. One that puts you through the crosshairs and lingers behind your mind until your eyes move towards the arms. Every human must have the one thought of life ending at any moment, as if you’re waiting for that bullet to hit the back of your skull. You can be that one person who is worrisome, manifesting a negative nature by expecting the worst outcomes to any situation. You can be that one person who is conceited, and always tries to be above the curve of your peers. You can even be a human equivalence to driftwood moving through the sea, and that’s to be not in control of what embarks in your future. Even beyond the value of one’s destiny, whether it be getting a manager’s position at a discount store or living off a storage unit. As the list goes on like a “Guess Who?” sort of situation on the type of people you witness in the heart of this land, this century-developed society, the complexity only hides this one element of life that everything holds at the same weight; time. What happens between all of these emotions is the repetitive movement of each arm on a clock. It’s the difference between now, tomorrow, yesterday, two seconds ago… Everyone has the same amount of time side-by-side, but the difference falls on what you decide to do with this time that we have on Earth. Most importantly, what are you going to make yourself with this equivalent stock of it?

First and foremost, when you decide on the next moments of life, look into a new type of perspective. Do not waste your days on what you have achieved in the past. Time cannot be wasted on things that you have already done. I can’t go around and brag about what I have done and go with just that. Discard the days that you have received recognitions as unimportant as the Student of the Month award from your 7th grade English class. And we can all admit, that feeling of superiority felt good that one day of school. But, how do you get a student of the month award in life? How can I feel that same kind of superiority in the business realm above everybody? You are of the same leveled line with thousands upon thousands of individuals who got that same hypothetical Student of the Month award in their 7th grade English class, some even 1-upping you with their other awards. No matter the verdict, you will probably never give yourself that feeling again the same way. It’s important to cherish the emotions of the past, but not live on it. Think about the proper tools that made you who you are at this moment of time. You are about to graduate and head off to the real world, so think about the wisdom you possess now.
I’m afraid of college, and I’m still unsure on the path that lays beyond me. And that’s okay, because everyone will tread new grounds with this blindfold on. It’s the way new experiences begin, and know when they end. Transitions in life make time seem more enlarged. With this time, there’s more experiences to encounter, and experience ages the victim. Personally, when the time comes to let go, I want to go understanding the world and how we work. As far-fetched as it may be, those last moments are when you will reflect the greatest. The values that lead you to the last minutes of your body in circulation. The things that are on your mind are the most important.

College may not be for you, and that’s okay too. With your individualism holds your opinion on the way our system runs. You may seek the world in a simple manner, and that’s what you will find as your consensus. You probably want to get started on working, and live off your years doing the same thing. If that’s what makes your increments of time well used, do that. I’m not trying to gnaw you into going to school and finding a higher-valued career. Success involves happiness, and you can’t find happiness in things that don’t suit you as an individual. Do what makes you flourish, and the countdown to death won’t linger into your mind.

Life will have its occasional forks on the road, and sometimes they will continue on for miles. Don’t let society shape you into something you don’t want to be. Take reign of your time. Take reign of your time. Chase away from the scope, give time its place, and give life your happiness.

The author's comments:

A speech to give to high school graduates. An excerpt of what I would say to everybody if I had the opportunity to speak my mind.

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