What REAL Tourism Is | Teen Ink

What REAL Tourism Is

March 21, 2016
By J.KIm BRONZE, Seoul, Other
J.KIm BRONZE, Seoul, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tour! Tour is amazing. You can make a new memory and know the culture. However, you can make others be sad. Do you enjoy your trip? Do you ever think about the other people? . People should be responsible, respect, and litter  when you travel then, the place can be more pleasant and also people’s face might change to happy.

To begin with, travelers should be responsible. The responsibility of tourist is not promised, it is a duty because people should protect the relic from others.  For instance, the American traveler, who was Missouri man broke finger off the 600 year’s statue in France. If he aware the legislation then, he wouldn’t do it. However, the law was not that serious which means that government led him to damage the statue. Though, according to the yahoo news, Ding Jinhao, who is 15 year’s old Chinese traveler wrote the modern Chinese characters read as “Ding Jinhao paid to visit here” on the 3,500 year’s old Egypt Luxor. However, he didn’t get enough punishment. Damaging the historic building can make the others feel depressed for looking at that. Tourists and travelers should be responsible for protecting the precious place from the inferior tourist.
Tourist shouldn’t litter. Some places covered with the trash, which means that travelers litter during the trip. Because of your mind, the other people feel unpleasant. In my own experience, I traveled to Pattaya, city in Thailand in 2015 summer break. I swam and played with my family. However, on the beach, I could see a mass of garbage inside the tent. Most of them were thrown by travelers. Because of them, I couldn’t really enjoy and the trash reminded me of my behavior in Thailand. People notice that holding the garbage is really uncomfortable and also makes you throw. However, if you persevere it then, you can save the environment and also the people’s happiness faces. Therefore, people shouldn’t throw to make the others feel happy and proud of themselves.

Lastly, Tourist should respect others whoever is same or another nationality. During the tour, there have the variety of tourists. However, people get in trouble because they are fighting over the place. People don’t let others take the photo. It is against the respect, it is selfish.  In my own experience, I and other tourist felt really annoyed because other cultural people blocked the queue of Thai castle in Bangkok. Because of her, Other tourist swore whole time and the faces were covered with anger. Also, another woman pushed me and others because she took the photo of it. Respecting each other in travel is the rule not the liberty to be selfish.

However, people think that people should have the freedom to travel and look the place. Whether or not, people can behave they want. In my own experience, when I visited South Korea, drunken South Korean yelled really loudly but, they are free to do this because the place didn’t have a rule for respecting. Which means that they have their own right to follow. Other could be unpleasant but they can yell because it is not out of rule. Therefore, people have rights to do. If there don’t have rules then, people can be free for behaving what they want.

To summarize, government and the tourist’s meeting should make the rule to prevent the damaging of the relic. By the way, tourists shouldn’t make the country seems to be bad by being selfish. They should make the place more beautiful before they come. People are having trouble when others are not respecting. If people are responsible, respecting, and banning litter then, the society and everyone’s faces may change to smile.

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