The Bully | Teen Ink

The Bully

January 26, 2016
By Anonymous

After a long day of school I came home and put my bag on the table and started to do homework after I got done with homework Taylor wanted to go down to the park so she asked me if I wanted to go with her. I said “sure but i need to clean my room first i will just meet you down there”. okay she said and walked out the door and rode her bike down to the park. I started to clean my room I got done after 30 minutes or so. taylor called me and asked when i'm coming down i said in a minute, I got my shoes on and walked out the door Instead of riding my bike i walked so it took me longer to get down there.


When I got  down there she was swinging by herself so i went over and started swinging with her. I happen to look over my shoulder and see these two girls that looked really familiar. and I asked taylor if she knew them and she said that one of the two  girls are the girl that bullied my sister taylor and me for awhile. The girl saw me and taylor looking over at them and they yelled what are you looking at and started laughing, Me and taylor looked at each other and started laughing. Apparently they thought that we were laughing at them. so one of the girls came over to us. and I thought in my mind that this is gonna go bad. and taylor probably was thinking the same thing. and the girl was way older than us she was in 8th grade and Taylor and I were in 6th grade. As soon as she came over she asked me if I had a problem and I said no I don’t. Taylor said with fright “why did you come over here”? The girl said loudly why do you care. and walked away, Taylor and I got off the swings and went home.

we got home and my mom wasn't home yet so we layed in bed until she got home. I hear a car door shut and I ran into the living room it was my mom. she brought home dinner  ate and went to bed. My mom woke me up on a bright sunny saturday and said “honey wake up it’s nice outside, I woke up and saw that taylor was gone I asked my mom where she was and she said that she was at the park, so i walked down to the park and saw the girls there and taylor was sitting there and the girls were sitting at the other table. i went to sit by taylor and i heard the girls talking bad about taylor.

then i sat down and asked taylor what happened and she said “ nothing they just won't stop talking about me and giving me dirty looks” I got up and went over to the table that the girl was at and said with a angry voice “ I would appreciate it if you would stop talking bad about my sister” what are you gonna do about it little girl? said the girl. “i’m just asking you to stop” I said. The older girl stood up and said “I said what are you gonna do about it” and taylor came over and said stop. The girl said go away and pushed my sister to the ground. “really now you wanna do that’ i said and pushed her back and said don't touch my sister. in my head i was saying what did i just do. as soon as i could even say anything else. she took her fist and punched me so hard in the face that I blacked out. i woke up on the ground of the playground taylor was saying to me “i’m gonna go get mom” the girls ran away because they did not want to get caught.

Then I see my car pull up my mom ran out to me and helped me up. she gave me a look “your eye is all puffy and bleeding” I started crying and said this girl punch me because she pushed taylor and I got mad and pushed her back. “well that was not a good way to handle the situation”. she said when we got in the car. we went home and iced my eye. that day I learned if you handle a situation like the way I did it will not go the way you wanted it to go and if I didn't handle it like that I wouldn't of got puched. 

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