You, Me, Community | Teen Ink

You, Me, Community

January 25, 2016
By HyerinJ. BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
HyerinJ. BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Have you ever thought about what YOU, ME, COMMUNITY means?  Well we heard this phrase probably about a thousand times now, but we never really thought of the real meaning hidden behind these words.” Adapting to a new environment, is such a hard thing to do, as you all have experienced. Going to a new school, new friends, and a new place is a quite a scary thing. Talking to new people requires great courage, which is definitely not easy to build up.

You should really thank the people who talked to you, and helped you with the conflicts that you went through. Just imagine that you enter a classroom where you haven't been in before, and you can feel the strong gaze at you. You would feel uncomfortable FOR SURE. You wouldn't know what to do, but just sit quietly. Everything would be bewildering for you, trying to get a hold of what this place is! But then an individual walks up to you, asking you questions! then you would think FINALLY I'M OUT OF THIS AWKWARD MOMENT! That would be your imagination of what you WANT, but actually, that doesn't happen often in our school.

It was a casual day, walking in the gate hearing Mrs. Cope calling the students for their ripped jeans, wearing tank tops, and sweatpants. I slowly walked towards the cafeteria dragging my heavy feet not trying to go to class! I see my friends from far away hugging and greeting each other. As I opened the door, I hugged my friends and I thought, I am very happy that I have friends to talk to! After a few minutes, there comes the nightmare of the sound where I have to hear EVERYDAY. The bell starts ringing. The hallway was loud as usual, students running and screaming around as I walk into my science class.

There are only TWO girls and 10 boys in my science class, unfortunately. But I see a girl sitting on my seat looking confused. I felt really happy that there is a new GIRL in our science class, and sat next to her. I said “Hi”, and she greeted me back and that was the end of our conversation. I wanted to begin a conversation, but I was very self conscious due to my shyness, which made it hard for me to start one. I was hesitating whether  I should start talking to her or not, but a boy in my class talked to her and gradually carried on a conversation. It's not that much of a hard thing but I didn't know why I couldn't start talking to her! I realized that I didn't even ask her name, but I heard her telling someone else and that was when I knew it. Our teacher walked in, and gave a chance to the new student to introduce herself and introduce ourselves to her.

Right after, we started a new lesson, and the new student looked confused not knowing what she was supposed to do. I helped her, giving the information we learnt right before this lesson, and she seemed to get it. I felt really good after helping her throughout the class, and I thought that this might be the real meaning hidden behind the words, YOU, ME, COMMUNITY! Helping each other, and cooperating together can make a big difference.  Standing up for yourself, standing up for your class, and standing up for your school, can bring happiness to everyone. Students should try to approach new individuals, which can or WILL change everything. If we do not start this, and leave the problem as it is now, it will cause much more consequences, and would be impossible to build a strong community. But if we do start this, it might, or WILL be possible to change this community.

You SHOULD be thinking about this problem! It's not just an easy issue when you think that it will eventually fade away! IT ACTUALLY WON'T! People will need to change in order for the world to change! If we do not change, there will be no difference happening. Talking to people in a new environment, will help them in many ways. Think and see with a perspective of the people suffering, trying to adapt. Following the honor code of AISR, we should be ethical, adaptable, global, learning, and environmental. YOU, ME, COMMUNITY is all about being TOGETHER. Helping other people, will not only result in the feeling of accomplishment that YOU have earned but others together as well. 

In order to create a strong community, YOU have to start the action. Students should try to approach new chances,which can lead to a broad perspective. WE should start the action in order for others to continue this act. You will hear this EVERY TIME! YOU, ME COMMUNITY! Help other people and approach them with a set mind. Become a community that no one else can break! A good community can make everyone unite, and become ONE! And I will end this speech with this phrase by Nelson Mandela, “It always seems impossible until it's done.”

The author's comments:

You, Me, Community is our school's theme that we should follow and take action. I felt like I had to write this speech explaining how people should change and try to unite ourselves by being a community. 

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