Suicide Is Not Acceptable | Teen Ink

Suicide Is Not Acceptable

January 8, 2016
By BlackStar#1 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
BlackStar#1 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In 2013 about 41,149 people committed suicide. That is about one death per twelve point  minutes. There are about 94 suicides committed every day. A majority of people who commit suicide are severely depressed at the time of their deaths. “Depression is present in 50 percent of all suicides, and those suffering from depression are at 25 times greater risk for suicide than the general population.(“Chapter 1 - The Epidemiology of Suicide”)  A person should not have the choice to end their life because their family and friends will also suffer, there are always better alternatives, suicide is a mistake that is not correctable.   

Suicide hurts others such as friends, family, and colleagues.  If suicide is chosen, friends and family are going to be hurt. Even if one feels that nobody will care, one might be surprised at the number of people one has touched during their life. They are going to be hurt as well. Many of your loved ones will somehow blame themselves and keep this blame with them for the rest of their life. They will always think how they could have helped and wonder why they were not asked for help. It is not right to have others live with self blame on a daily basis for the rest of their life. “Just remember, when you commit suicide, you’re not just removing yourself from your life, you’re also removing yourself from everyone else’s lives.(Marquisee) Even if one does not think that someone else cares or even loves him, someone does. If one goes through with the act of committing suicide, others will have their heart broken, and it will never mend. Ask for help, it is always available.

Suicide is not the answer, there is always a better choice. Are you ready to give up just like that, to end it, like you never existed?  Almost everyone has been in situations that have been upsetting or has gone through a period of depression.  “Suicide is the worst solution to a difficult situation.(Marquisee) Talking to someone about the situation or feelings of depression can often help. They will help or find someone to help.  There is only one way to go and that is up. Things always get better. Don’t miss out on the rest of your life.

Suicide is a mistake that can not be corrected or learned from. “If you stop this story early, you don’t just ruin the story, you ruin your life.(Marquisee) Your story is being written every day of your life. One is in charge of their own story and has the ability to change it for a more interesting one.  Life's not easy and everyone has good and bad days.  People can learn from their bad days and those experiences can actually prepare one for facing bad days or times in the future.  “This is your time to endure and become more than what you are.(Marquisee)  Deciding to live is the best choice because it will allow one to realize that they are in charge of their own life and can make it better.but some people do not agree.

Life does present people with situations that can not be made better.  Some people think that suicide should be an option for individuals in those certain situations. A person may want to commit suicide because of something else going on in their life. The person may have an incurable disease such as cancer, have persistent pain, or be very old. Some feel that those individuals should be able to end their life. The advantage would be that these individuals as well as family and friends could prepare for their death.  This preparation would allow all those involved to accept and come to peace with the death and not feel the burden that comes with a suicide. In these certain circumstances, suicide may be a valid choice but our society does not accept this. It is wrong if a person is very old and wants to die sooner rather than later.  If a person has cancer there are treatments for cancer and new treatments being discovered, so they could be cured and continue living. Suicide is never the best answer to any problem. 

Suicide is never a justified solution.  There is no second chance.  Most people who die by suicide have a mental or emotional disorder. Suicide also affects family and friends in ways that the victim can not predict. Suicide is preventable and there are many resources available to help one with thoughts of suicide. One should get help to understand the reasons behind these thoughts so that one can live a full and happy life.





"Chapter 1 - The Epidemiology of Suicide." Chapter 1 - The Epidemiology of Suicide. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2015.
Marquisee, Evan. Logical Spiritualism. N.p., 2011. Web. 16 Dec. 2015. .(Marquisee)

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