Bad Technology | Teen Ink

Bad Technology

January 4, 2016
By AndreaL SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
AndreaL SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Technology has technically ruined society. Phones take away time from people and it makes people lazier. Sometimes kids can be texting other people they don't even know and have never met. That person can persuade the kid to meet them somewhere and they could kidnap them. That is really dangerous, mostly when their parents doesn't know what their kid is doing or who they are talking to.

Also the use of technology can cause children to miss out on real-life interactions. Kids don't even go outside to play anymore, they would rather be inside on their phone, watching television or using the computer. They won't know what a real childhood is like. Probably kids  or christmas they won't even ask for toys. They might be asking for a phone, tablet, computer or a new television.

Yes, technology might be necessary to do research. And phones to make phone calls, it could be an emergency or just to call someone who's far away. It's okay to use it for reasons like this, just not be on it too long. Have a certain amount of time to be using the phone or be on the computer or watching television. Also have time to go outside, take a walk to get refreshing air and do other hobbies or things you like to do.

But there are people who can't even live without their phone, not even leave it alone for more than five minutes. It's like phones are their life and there isn't anything better than the phone. Also when you're playing video games or when you're on social media or even watching television it can cause you to sleep late.

Even couples, when they're on dates or just spending time together they would take out their phones. That is just disrespectful, it's showing that you don't care about the person you're with. It shows that your phone is more important than them.

People get isolated from others. They don't associate more with people. A family could be together in a room and everyone on their phones not talking to each other. Not even say hey to each other or ask how was their day. Or when someone is trying to talk to you and you're on your phone. You won't even listen to them, the only thing you would say is aha and yup. It can be vise versa too.

It's also dangerous because some people text and drive which would cause them to crash. It also leads to bullying. It gets easier for people to bully others on social media. Which would cause them to be depressed and would lead to suicide.

This is my opinion about technology. Technology can be dangerous for instance, people can get bullied and that would cause the person to think about suicide and it can also cause kidnapping. It takes away time away from people, makes them lazy and it causes people to sleep late. 

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