What the US Flag Means to Me | Teen Ink

What the US Flag Means to Me

November 6, 2015
By Lexy10 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Lexy10 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Summing up what the flag means in one word or sentence, it’s not an easy task. The flag represents a lot  that if you ask people they could stand there and list off stuff all day, but to me, the one straight answer I would give you is freedom. The United State’s flag represents freedom.

When I think of freedom I think of different cultures, rights and religions. People don’t come to the US and we say “You have to abandon your own culture and live like ours.” We let you keep your culture or give it up and take on another one, it really doesn’t matter because it's your freedom of choice. You don’t come to the US believing in one religion, but then be told that you have to give it up and switch to another. We let you keep your religion and practice it as you please, because America gives you that freedom. And not only that but being a US citizen also automatically comes with your rights like the right to bare arms, the right for public speaking, these rights are a sort of freedom you get.

For reasons like these, that’s why people immigrated to the US, because they could have their freedom; I learned all of this in my history classes which lead me to my decision of what our flag represents to me. America may not be perfect. But as long as our flag stands we will strive for the freedom we all deserve. Because freedom should not come with a price.

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