Red, White, and Blue | Teen Ink

Red, White, and Blue

November 5, 2015
By BTGries SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
BTGries SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I look at the American flag as if it is a museum filled with love, unity, and freedom. As I walk through the exhibits, I see America’s history and its story.

I see two building engulfed in flames, with fallen bodies, and heroes dressed in red and blue. Known to be one of America’s most tragic events, it was the end of the twin towers but a new chapter to our country's unity. On this day, America came together as one, unified, and ready to take on any challenges we may face -- Together, as America.

Next I venture into the exhibit of freedom. Here I see tan boots marching in foreign land. I see scorching hot days and ice cold nights. I see camouflaged men fighting for everyone at home.  I see bullets flying through the air, protecting what we love most -- freedom. Together, as America.

Finally, I step into the last exhibit. I see red, white, and blue. I see 50 stars and 13 stripes. The calendar marks July 4th. Flags hang from every house. I see love for America in parades in the streets and colorful explosions in the sky. We love our country -- Together, as America.

But, as I look at America’s flag, I see more than 50 stars and 13 stripes. I see a symbol representing everything we’ve been through to achieve what America is today.

That flag reminds me that Americans are free. It reminds me of America’s unity, and it reminds me why I love America. As I exited the museum I could see exactly why my country is what it is --Together, as America.

The author's comments:

This is what the flag means to me!

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