Time Wasted | Teen Ink

Time Wasted

July 23, 2015
By JRD45 SILVER, Osprey, Florida
JRD45 SILVER, Osprey, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To me, the best time I have ever spent in my life has been doing absolutely nothing productive...simply enjoying the day as it slowly wanders by. Sometimes taking a few minutes to cherish this nothingness is the greatest gift that one can ask for. Sitting outside with no technology, watching cumulus clouds slowly drift by. This quiet and peaceful time has granted me access to reflect on my life and to get to know myself better.

I believe that not enough people take time out of the day to slow down and allow their mind to rest. We as humans work very hard to achieve, "happiness." This hard work grants us wealth, a status amongst our peers and a feeling of belonging to part of a greater good, yet what many people are still missing is a genuine feeling of accomplishment with their lives. This lack of affection can be described as depression, loneliness, and sometimes even a mid life crisis. So if people are pursuing their dreams, and are making enough money to sustain a proper living, why are they still unhappy?

I think the main reason why people are unhappy is because they don't get enough time to themselves. People sacrifice so much of their time for others that they tend not to have enough time for the most important person in their lives, themselves. People should spend some time alone, merely a few hours, just to reassure themselves of their life goals and to reminisce about the good times and the bad. This time wasted may help rejuvenate a worn soul more than one would realize. Only the individual can grant him or herself happiness. Therefore, it makes sense to shut the door on everyone from time to time and ascertain what it takes to find this power. Though this may sound selfish, I believe that it is for the betterment of every individual, and if every individual does this occasionally, we as a people may be much happier.

My challenge to you, reader is to take some time out of the day to do nothing. It may bring a new found joy to your busy life.

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