You Can Be Different, but Here are the Terms and Conditions | Teen Ink

You Can Be Different, but Here are the Terms and Conditions

March 31, 2015
By FridaL SILVER, Tirana, Other
FridaL SILVER, Tirana, Other
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Everyone: It’s ok to be different. Everyone is special in their own way.
Me: Does something that people don’t find “normal”
Everyone: No, not different like that.

Unfortunately, that is the point our world has come to. They tell you to be different and stand out from the others, but as soon as you do something they find weird they judge you for it. They tell you “you can express your feelings it’s ok”, and as soon as you do that they say: “ oh god, people have it so much worse than you, stop complaining.” They say that it’s ok to have different sexual orientations, but they judge you when you come out to them. They say that they believe dark skinned people and light skinned people should had equal rights, yet they still whispers quietly when the dark skinned person walks in. They tell you its ok to believe in one religion, or to believe in none, still they criticise your belief if it contradicts theirs.

They tell you to develop your own taste, and your own personality, but it has to be the personality that they want you to have. And it affects people more than some realise, because people out there could be so creative, special, full of potential, and extraordinary but instead they have to morph into something they aren’t, become like everyone else, so they can “fit in” and have friends. If everyone continues to change themselves, mold their personalities, so that it fits everyone elses, can you imagine how boring life will be years from now; everyone is the same, no one stands out, everyone has the same opinions because no one is willing to stand up for what they believe in. People are scared to be different because the second they express an opinion different from someone elses they get criticised, and put down for their opinion, and next time they want to say something, they don’t, they keep quiet, because they learned from last time that no one is willing to listen to what they have to say. Now I’m not encouraging anyone to go and hate on others, or promote something that is wrong, just because they want to be “different”.   All I’m saying is that nothing great ever came out of someone trying to be “ordinary”.

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