Dissatisfied | Teen Ink


March 15, 2015
By RandyMan SILVER, Plano, Texas
RandyMan SILVER, Plano, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We are all human, and all humans have a genuinely passionate heart. The heart may change and age, but deep within the heart, ambition is the thing that’s pumping the blood. Men and women are never truly satisfied; we strive to be the best regardless of each other’s feelings. Most of t0068e time, we always want more rights and we never want less. We are never thoroughly satisfied.  Dissatisfaction creates history’s changing gender roles which, in turn, define how society works; changing gender roles create a changing society. We need to understand how dissatisfaction shapes and forms the complex nature of gender to truly understand the concept of gender.
The most controversial topic for gender is the feeling of inequality between the two genders. Throughout history, men and, especially, women have wanted to have better lives. For example, Godey’s Lady’s Book shows that women during the 1860s wanted to have freedom of thought and enjoy fashion just like the men did. Women did not hate men for being better-off than them; women wanted to be like men because women were unsatisfied with their own life. Men and women are dissatisfied with themselves and not with each other. Hatred between genders only occurs when one gender wants to improve its role in society and needs vehement, unwanted cooperation with the other gender. Women want to have more rights because the individual woman wants to enhance her quality of life. Men want to have more rights because the individual man wants to enhance his quality of life. The human struggle for improvement creates gender conflicts; we will never be fully content with our gender roles in society because the heart will not stop pumping aspiring blood until we die.
Although the environment around us may alter or diminish our ambition, most males and females are born hopeful and remain hopeful. When our ambition is threatened, we feel distressed and feel the need to react; for example, women want to become feminists when they realize their lack of rights limit their capability to improve the quality of their own life. This is why not all women are feminists; a lot of women feel like they can improve their life and continue to be ambitious without concerning for gender inequalities. However, these complacent women do not define gender roles. Gender is defined throughout history by people’s dissatisfaction. Women during the Nuclear Family period (1950’s) were expected to stay at home and get kids and dad ready for school or work. Obviously, a lot of discontented women wanted to have a more active role in society, especially since this was after WWII and a lot of women had experienced what is was like to have a job. These unsatisfied women decided to change the definition of gender roles by creating woman’s rights campaigns and empowering their role in society through the means of propaganda such as the famous We Can Do It! image. The motivated and agitated people shape and define gender roles, not the self-satisfied people.
Therefore, dissatisfaction usually causes the beliefs of gender inequality to have response bias (only the people who feel strongly about the gender roles will speak out). For example, The Declaration of Sentiments of 1848 stated that men had established an absolute tyranny over women and women should have the right to change this fate. Although it is obvious that women during the mid 19th century had fewer rights than men, it is also obvious that an abundance of women did not feel the need to contend to have a larger role in society. People who do not feel a need to complain are not heard by the public. Therefore, most of the documents and the speeches on gender roles only display a partial truth. Dissatisfied people are the ones who shape and illustrate the gender roles and not the complacent ones.
We will never be satisfied because our ambitious hearts will never allow us to be happy. It is hard to say whether men and women will ever be equal because both genders have changing and evolving struggles and comforts; both men and women are equal in this sense. Because we will never feel the gender roles will ever be perfectly equal, we will never truly achieve divine happiness. When we reach happiness, we want to go higher. Ironically, divine happiness is something worth being sacrificed. Men and women are both vital to society because their dissatisfaction towards gender roles is what creates the turbulent yet advancing society that will persist for generations to come.

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