Media | Teen Ink


March 15, 2015
By magnificent- BRONZE, London, Other
magnificent- BRONZE, London, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be yourself because everyone is taken, be comfortable and breathe and choose what suits you'

Media. The modern day parasite. A huge epidemic in society as they take what they crave without giving anything back. Convincing. Perfidious. The two words that thoroughly describes media as one? Why is it that society is becoming desensitised by the media? What is it implicit in humans that have allowed them to wilfully ignore the society and community we originally had where everything was just pen and paper? Questions unanswered. Media by far has had its great share of problems and we have had to deal with this as a sign of progression in society. The 21st Century would be better off without the media; as it is exploitative, manipulative and deplorable.


Goddesses and sex symbols. Do we really want to associate with these two words for more than a century? Why is it that humans have the capability to sexualise women in the media in a way that suits their needs? The media nowadays portray women as beautiful things of nature, a sex symbol for men and a toy to play with. When simple things like this fall, civilisation is built dangerously on shifting sand where not only would you see changes in society but changes in young girls. Big hair, caked face, fake tan. Media focuses way too much on appearances and high standards of beauty ,which is slightly degrading, as young girls feel the need to live up to those stereotypes enabling the taboo in our society to be lost. Feeding reels of idiocy and delusion to young children is definitely not what we need in society right now.


Fast. Instant. What the power of technology does to the media. Has it always been like this for centuries where we have been living in a world where technology has been the only thing we have been dependent and reliable on to get all the updates on news and celebrities. Again what is it implicit in humans that have allowed them to wilfully ignore the society and community we originally had where everything was pen and paper? How has technology developed in such a way where almost everything is negative? The power of technology makes media instant in a way where everything seems to be a dark horse on a sunny day. Do you think media would be way it is without technology? No voyeuristic media, no over sexualisation of women on the internet and a rapid decrease in negative criticism. Also there would be no development of social media websites such as Facebook, twitter and YouTube which are some of the main causes of destructive press in the media. The advances of technology have made our society as shallow as it is now because although there are benefits to technological media, the disadvantages of it overwrite it. Media is not exactly rainbows or cupcakes right now nor is it private or limited. Media is like the new watchdog of society where nothing in nobody's life is really private anymore. With this in mind, technology included in it makes everything ten times worse than it already is. This is delusional and is a catastrophe in the 21st century.

Manipulative. Cunning. Deceitful. The preposterous nature of the media. The media has the ultimate power to immediately change our perspectives of people and life in a discreet yet Machiavellian way. They have the power to manipulate us into believing things that put us in a position of being gullible and naïve and not only can they do that but they are in a position to manipulate women into the female stereotype, which nevertheless continue to thrive in the media we consume every day. Media is by far the greatest source of information, and most probably the greatest untamed beast, we have in the world right now. But why do humans have the capability to express their personal opinions and manipulate the public when they don't even have the strength or power to control the untamed beast we call the media? You'd think that people would have some initiative in society in the 21st century, but I guess not.

The author's comments:

This is one of my english pieces in school which has allowed me to express my full and personal opinion about the media. Although many of you may disagree with this article, i just wanted to express this opinion as i think it should be heard. Thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy it although it may not make sense as i have shortened it! :)

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