Literary Canon | Teen Ink

Literary Canon

March 2, 2015
By Alex Barela BRONZE, Trenton, Michigan
Alex Barela BRONZE, Trenton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Literary Canon Board of Directors,

I am writing this letter because I’d like to suggest an admission for your Literature Hall of Fame.

The first reason I believe Sir Arthur Conan Doyle should be included in the literary canon is that he was the author of the greatest police romance of all time, Sherlock Holmes, that has hundreds of literature experts studying it and making their Phds thesis based on it.

The second reason is that he was not only a best-seller, he had published several poetry, novels, romances and historical books, so he really knew how to do stuff.

The final reason is that he was at the Great Boer war, where he served as a doctor to the army… Later on, he was the main publisher of didactical books related to it, so most of their information actually are due to him.

As you can see, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is deserving of the literary canon because he gave life and birth one of the most lucrative and valorized writing genres of today.

I hope that you will consider this choice for the literary canon. Thank you very much.



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