Gun Control is not the Answer | Teen Ink

Gun Control is not the Answer

February 26, 2015
By Anonymous

In what world does the removing of a protective gun from a home lead to that home being safer from home invaders and criminals? The second amendment in the United States Bill of Rights states that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” (“Bill of Rights…”). Although some people believe that stricter gun control laws will save innocent lives, American citizens have the right to bear arms and having the government take that away would be unjust and cause many issues relating to the defense of oneself, one’s possessions and one’s family.

After many incidents in which a gun or handgun was fired and killed someone, there are many people who are trying to ban guns in America. Many Americans, including law enforcement officers, use guns as a form of defense, protecting themselves, their home and possessions, and their families. Most gun owners are law-abiding citizens who take gun safety seriously and invest the time and money to ensure they know how to properly use and handle guns. Guns have been around for a long time and taking them away will only create new problems in our society.

Some people believe that banning guns in the United States is justified because criminals will not have easy access to guns, thus saving innocent lives. Although some criminals or murderers may have a slightly tougher access to guns, they will still find guns illegally. Knowing there will not be a man with a gun waiting for them in the house they are planning to break into, will make home invasions even more likely to occur! Others believe that banning guns from homes is justified due to the amount of innocent children that die each year due to an accidental fire of a gun. Although accidents with guns happen, we should not need to take all guns away to prevent that from happening. Proper and safe gun use, care, and storage, as well as understanding the dangers of guns, will create a safe environments where accidents are less likely to happen. Statistics show that in 2010 there were 606 unintentional gun-related fatalities (“Statistics on Gun…”), compared to the 32,788 deaths by car accident (“Traffic Fatalities…”). Simply because people die in cars, does not mean we should take cars away from everyone, that would be wrong. In order to prevent car accidents, people use schooling, research, and practice behind the wheel; the same concept should be applied to guns.

Even if the battle to ban guns miraculously won, how would the government confiscate each and every gun in the United States? Invading one’s home without a warrant would be unjust and unconstitutional based on the fourth amendment of the Bill of Rights which is “the right to be secure in their persons, houses, and papers against unreasonable search and seizures” (“Bill of Rights…”). With an estimated 270 million to 310 million guns owned in the United States (“Guns…”), it would be nearly impossible for the government to confiscate them all (Wilson). Even so, taking all gun owners guns away is unfair and by doing so, many people would be extremely unhappy with the government, creating way more trouble than its worth.

Taking away Americans constitutional right to bear arms is unjust and will not solve anything, it will only create a society where people are unable to defend themselves from criminals, murderers, and home invaders, thus further putting themselves and their families in danger. Americans should stop fighting for a ban on guns, or stricter gun control laws and realize that owning guns is a form of protection that many law-abiding citizens use to keep themselves, their homes, and most importantly their families safe from criminals, murderers, and home invaders.

The author's comments:

I hope that people realize that stricter gun control or a ban of guns will not solve any problems, but instead create new ones.

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on Dec. 9 2015 at 1:19 pm
SarahBlum BRONZE, Roseburg, Oregon
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Great article. :)