The Amazing Truth About Video Games | Teen Ink

The Amazing Truth About Video Games

December 16, 2014
By Anonymous

Do you like playing the latest video games like GTA…well you shouldn’t because these awesome games can be bad for you. Video games can be really bad for your physical health. Video games can also be bad for your mental health. Kids that play too many violent video games will start to think that violence is okay. You might think that video games are a fun pastime but the problems to your health are not so much fun.

Are you gaining weight? Well, that could be because you’re spending too much time on video games. Video games cause people to want to play them all the time like at night, therefore people will not get enough sleep. Kids who don’t get enough sleep will start to do badly in school and will have a hard time focusing in class. People who play too many video games will start to gain weight. They won’t get enough exercise because they spend most of their time inside instead of outside. Another reason they gain weight is that people who are in front of a screen tend to snack more. The problem with video games doesn’t just end at physical health it also affects your mental health as well.

Playing too many video games can compromise your mental health. Kids that play too many video games they will start to get addicted to stats. Kids that play more than 30 minutes to an hour may have their brain growth messed with. People who play too many video games will have their brain health affected in a bad way. Kids that play video games are 67% more likely to have problems with their attention. Video games can also affect kids’ views on violence.

Kids that play video games are more violent. Children that play violent video games are more aggressive with other kids. Kids are more violent a few minutes after playing video games. Kids reported having aggressive thinking and aggressive attitudes towards people and things.

Video games can be catastrophic to your mental and physical health. They can also be bad for your behavior towards other humans. A possible solution to your problems can be not playing so many video games. Another solution is to monitor your video game time. A reasonable amount of time is to play less than 2 hours a day. A consequence of not playing less than 2 hours a day is that you will not be able to live up to your full potential as a human being or as a young adult.  

The author's comments:

I love video games but there are hidden problems. I wrote this article for other kids like me to show them the hidden problems. 

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