Opinion on Caring and Depression | Teen Ink

Opinion on Caring and Depression

November 24, 2014
By Anonymous

They say depression is a disorder caused by biopsychosocial factors. Chemicals overflowing the brain. I think of depression as a changing process. We are raised in a society of uncaring, emotionless individuals. Individuals who view life as a journey with one road; one way in and one way out. After all, we all came the same way and we will all end up in the same place. Yet there are those of us who try to prolong the journey, try different pathways. Those of us who enjoy life. Those of us who care. However the majority don’t understand. They think you are a freak. For life to them is a task. So the people who care, get hurt. These are the people who undergo depression, until they too become bitter and cold. They say it makes you stronger, and ready for the real-life. Yet, no one cares to mention the hurt ones. The hurt ones who will undertake life with fear and hate. No one cares to mention the gone ones. The gone ones who were removed out their own individual pathways and driven towards an instant end. No one cares to mention that we are raising a society of bitter, hurt monsters who strive for superficial rewards and forget about the love. See? The problem is that no one cares anymore

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