Lets Talk! Hey Siri | Teen Ink

Lets Talk! Hey Siri

September 22, 2014
By PaulJM BRONZE, London, Other
PaulJM BRONZE, London, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why do people go to out now days? What is the main reason for going out with your friends or family? Is it to eat (it should be) or just to keep our wifi  connection that we all rely on. Most couples, groups or families carry at least one mobile device between them. However there always seem to be an urge to get it out and check how long it is until you get a new life in candy crush. Less than 10 years ago nobody would dare to use a mobile device in a restaurant, a time when people are meant to communicate, eat food and have a good social experience; however, today, this is almost never the case. Now days (2014) communication is on Facebook, talking is to Google and having a good time listening to music or watching a movie with your earphones in. This is not the time for that! Have you ever heard the expression make every second count, this is obviously what these people DON’T have in their head. You are meant to go there to eat your food, not Instagram it. Did you know, an average mealtime in 2004 was 65 minutes, now in 2014 (10 years on) it has increased to 115 minutes. This is due to people spending too much time playing with their phones and taking silly pictures with the caption #SELFIE or of their meals, instead of enjoying their now cold spaghetti bolognaise.

Are we all so addicted that we can't live with out our technology? I personally think that we are all so addicted, and that we can’t live without technology and that some of us have to use it 24/7. Why not take a rest from this mind numbing behavior? What we do, yes I am also guilty, is not constructive and not improving our daily lives, NO! Does anybody really cares that much about your Sunday roast or your icy glass of coke and also why make them jealous. It was only the other day when I saw a whole family, sitting around a table, 2 children with headphones on watching Finding Nemo, and the two parents who were checking their emails and twitter. Even when the waiter came around with their food, not one of them looked up or said anything, not even a “thanks”. We are getting consumed and sucked into a multimedia tornado, so deeply that we can’t get out of it! I mentioned to my friend who I was with, “Going out with a bunch of friends only to ignore them in favour of your phone kind of defeats the whole purpose of the outing in a first place,"

However, it’s not just in restaurants where phones take over our social lives. Just walking down the street, you can always see a swarm of almost lifeless mobile addicted zombies, with their eyes pasted to their bright screen. They aren’t even aware of their surroundings due to their necks craning down to the screen, that is sucking them up, which causes them to carelessly bump into everyone. I once knew a man who purposely bumped into people and did this in order to make them drop their phone so they snap out their eternal trance and they can finally regain their lost bearings back into normal life, but they usually got extremely angry at him as if he had just punched their best friend in the face. Now days, when you say you’ve got the latest iPhone, you are basically saying you have got a new best friend as WE always seem to rely on it to be there for us and do what want it to. Is this what our world is coming to? New innovative technology was meant to be a good thing and help improve our daily lives, but sadly this is not the case. It was meant to help us all keep connected easier but it seems to be drifting us further apart. Did you know that on average, we spend 7 hours or more a day on technology! They say technology is going to take over the world, but will it take over you?

The author's comments:

I have been having to write this peice for my GCSE's and it is an iconoclast peice with a teen audience. I would really like to get some constructive feedback on it.

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